Sunday, February 26, 2012


I finished my WINTER TRAILS hat this morning and couldn't wait to take a few photos.  I still haven't blocked it yet, but wanted to post some finished photos of this gorgeous hat.  It was a pleasure to knit and I love this yarn which is 55% wool and 45% cotton making it very soft.  If you don't mind knitting a bizillion cables, you will love knitting  this hat designed by Alana Dakos.  You can find the pattern HERE.  Because I am a loose knitter, I used US#5 circular on the ribbing and #6 needles on the body of the hat instead of the #7 & #8 called for in the pattern.  I used just a little over 1 skein.  I love this hat!!!!

I'm getting close to the crown of the hat using double pointed needles.  There is still a cable to knit on the next to last row!!!  I just wanted to show the craziness of all of the needles.......

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