Saturday, January 14, 2012


I am mentoring a high school student this semester for her Capstone Project.  She wants to major in Art and has asked me to help her with some art projects to benefit PET BUDDIES which is a non-profit helping low-income families feed their pets.  They have helped Ashley and her family feed their four pets and Ashley wants to "Pay it Back" now.

Today we are working on designing stamps and printing notecards to benefit PET BUDDIES.

First, draw the design.  Next, burnish the drawing onto the stamping material.

The graphite transfers easily to the rubber stamping material.

Cutting out the design.  Remember to cut away from you!

Here is the finished rubber stamp.

Making a few test runs to see if there needs to be any tweaking of the cutout.

And here are the finished notecards with Ashley's design which she printed herself!

She's looks pretty proud!  She did a great job and I hope she sells a lot to benefit PET BUDDIES located in Woodstock, GA. She will probably sell them for $1.00, so let me know if you would like to buy some and help her make a contribution to PET BUDDIES.

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