Sunday, December 11, 2011


I needed a cute and fun necklace to wear to our library's Children's Christmas Party.  I didn't want to spend too much money because let's face it, where else do you wear an eraser necklace?  But I wanted something festive and quick to make.

I found this 12 pack of Christmas erasers at our local Dollar Tree.  Total $1.00!!!

I thought I would use an upholstery needle to string the erasers.  1)  It's REALLY hard to push a needle through an eraser. 2)  When you do get it through it compresses and doesn't leave a hole.  So I asked my dear husband if he could drill a little hole.  One Dremel + One Very Helpful Husband = Perfect little holes in my erasers.

Add plastic beads and pearls........

And string them as you please.........

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