Thursday, September 1, 2011


I've been working on a new display for Banned Books Week at the library.  BBW takes place the last week of September but our display will be the entire month.  I wanted to highlight some of the banned books that most people take for granted.  Just think, if some people had their would not be able to read these books.  Can you imagine............not being able to read "Gone With the Wind", "To Kill a Mockingbird" or "Harry Potter"?  I got all of my information from the ALA (American Library Association) website.  I made color copies of book covers on my copier from books I own.

Our First Amendment gives us the freedom to choose what we want to read.  That's the point.........our CHOICE.  We may not want our children to read some books, we get to choose, thanks to our First Amendment!

I made very simple flames that represent the burning of books out of toilet paper rolls and construction paper.  I will place them between the banned books on display.

This is a close up of the library card generator I downloaded from the internet from  I added the titles of books, authors and the reason the books were banned or challenged.

I also made a chain link out of aluminum foil that I plan to use in the Young Adult area around "banned" books.  Another quick, cheap and easy idea.........

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