Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Below is my original Woolworth's Nativity Scene (what is left of it) from my childhood. I can remember my brother and myself playing with the paper mache figures, pulling the springy horns of the cow and pulling the shepard's staff. I only have one wise man but the Joseph, Mary and Jesus are in pretty good shape along with the original star. I think there was an angel but she has long vanished. I love the vintage look under the glass cake dome. I cut strips from an old magazine for the "hay".

My mother made each one of my children a beautiful needlepoint stocking when they were born. I know they took her a long time to complete, but what a TREASURE for them to have forever. (Well, I guess I have them....but they're still a treasure!) The two older kids always kid Ben because his is SO much larger than theirs. My mom forgot that the stockings had names on them when she was making his, so she had to add his name to the he gets about 3 more inches of goodies in his stocking! He IS the baby! Be sure to notice the paper circles garland my daughter made for me last year. You just cut out circles, stitch them up and presto and very clever garland.

I made this Santa about 15 years ago from a kit. You had to use your own fabric for his coat and under garments. I had some leftover brown fur from a bear Halloween costume which became Santa's coat. I trimmed the coat with an old (probably 20 yr old) rabbit fur coat that belonged to me. I was getting tired of ole Santa, but everyone kept asking where he was, so he's making an appearance again this year.

It's sleeting outside right now, so it really feels like Christmas. This view is from the kitchen looking into the family room.

The dining room with new hardwood floors this year. One of these days I'll reupholster the chairs when I find something perfect on sale. And I'm enjoying the silver reindeer.

.....and the kitchen ready to make some Christmas cookies.

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