Friday, November 5, 2010


I arrived home Wednesday afternoon to a whoosh, whoosh, whoosh sound. As my mom and I peeked around the corner we saw the wallpaper in the powder room coming down! My husband needs another project so down comes the wallpaper after 14 years. Actually I've been putting it off because I was the one who hung it in the first place and I know I used Elmer's glue in some areas. I pictured in my mind that we would have to peel off pieces the size of a quarter at a time. But since my husband is a lot more courageous than I, he tackled the walls. Actually it wasn't so bad (easy for me to say). It came off in sheets for the most part and required some sanding.

Almost finished scraping off the old wallpaper and time to decide on a color. I remember painting a client's living room and dining room in Greenville, SC orange back in the late 70's. It was awesome! And, with Thanksgiving around the corner, pumpkins on the brain, I decided on orange.

We (my husband) installed a new light fixture and is almost finished with the painting. Since I refused to rehang the mirror that the builder had installed 15 years ago, I am now looking for the perfect bathroom mirror. Here is the room so far, the orange is showing up in the photo really intense. But in reality, it is not quite that electric! It is really pretty.

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