Saturday, August 20, 2011


It's been a long time since I've made homemade bread.  I remember making a batch of sourdough starter about 25 years ago.  I made sourdough pancakes and bread for a while.  A few years ago I bought another package of sourdough starter but when I mixed the packet, I left it in the garage too long and it turned into a stinky brown liquid.  I have had one package left in my pantry for a long time and decided to try it again, this time with better luck.........

This is the Goldrush Sourdough Starter Packet.

You start out by mixing warm water with the magic sourdough particles, flour and water.

I put a reminder on my frig  so I wouldn't forget to add to my starter.

This is what the started looks like after 24 hours.

And this is after 48 hours.  It is really pungent by this time.

Follow the directions and make your dough.

Let it rise

divide and conquer.

Here are the finished the loaves.  It took a long time to make but I'll have to say it was worth it in the end.  You just can't beat hot and fresh sourdough bread.

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