Monday, April 26, 2010


Did you know the movie "Driving Miss Daisy" was filmed at Glenridge Hall in Atlanta? That is where my plein air painting group visited and painted last friday. They were generous to let us roam the grounds with our easels and paints while taking a million photos. Below is the entrance to the mansion that you may remember from the movie featuring Jessica Tandy and Morgan Freeman.

There are several trails leading behind the home to special secret gardens.
All of the iron benches are so beautiful. Here is close up of one located behind the side porch.

A view looking down to the giant chess set.

There is a perimeter around the backyard with raised bed filled with perennial flowers.

Look closely at the grey path. It is raised smooth stones set in mortar.
One of the raised flower boxes is filled with peonies.

A view looking down on some of the raised beds of flowers.

There are so many little details to capture on this home. One is the shutter detail. I loved the tree cutout. I wonder what they symbolize.

All of the pots had these cute little turtle holders. Reminds me of the zombie Turtle Boy. He would have loved these!
Everywhere you looked there was another spectacular garden ornament.
Another bench in the front yard.

While we are there to paint the owners allow us to use their guest bath just inside the front door. All of the walls in the bath are painted and look at the details of this beautiful vanity.
a sconce in the guest bath.......
a vase and mirrors in the guest bath powder room.......just lovely!
Another photo of the chess set.......this time the white queen.
And finally, this is the porch with wicker furniture where we ate our lunch overlooking the gardens.


  1. wow, what a place! your photos are beautiful!

  2. tis gorgeous. You take such wonderful pics!
